Nature Happenings
- Great Backyard Bird Count, mid-month,
- Project FeederWatch continues,
- February is National Bird Feeding Month
- Cardinals begin calling, signaling the onset of breeding season.
- Skunk Cabbage flowers are emerging, generating heat to melt the frozen ground surrounding them.
- Listen for the Black-capped Chickadee mating call.
- Eastern Grey Squirrel mating season.
- Maple tree sap is running, so Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers are working the trees.
- Hibernating butterflies (Morning Cloak, Comma) emerge on warm days.
- Raccoon, woodchuck, beaver, skunk, opossum and rabbit mating seasons.
- Nest boxes need to be cleaned out this month.
- Male Red-winged Blackbirds, Killdeer and Great Blue Herons return.